A Loving Adoption: Meet Three-Year-Old Male Cat Finding a Forever Home

Rescue Story: I was living outside and a kind lady was feeding me over the winter. Once my back leg became injured, she reached out to CCE for help. I was brought indoors, fixed up and had a dental. I have slowly adjusted to the cush, indoor life and now I am loving it.

I am ready for my forever home where I can keep up my lifestyle now!
About Me: Hi there are you looking for a cool and calm teddy bear boy? Look no further!
I am one relaxed boy and for the most part. I spend a lot of my days near my foster family, just chilling. If they’re sitting on the couch or laying in bed, I know it’s time to come for some snuggles so I’ll sneak right in for some love. I enjoy laying right on you, and I have a biiiiig body so you’re gonna need to have some surface area for me to get comfortable on!
I am a pretty low energy guy for the most part. I don’t play too much, but with time and as I get more comfortable, that could change. I mean, they didn’t have toys outside so I am still learning all about them. My foster mama says I am not an athletic boy at all, but I do quite like my tall cat trees to lounge in. I am cool and calm most of the time, but if you disturb me at the wrong time or pet me where I don’t want to be pet, I will give you a small warning nip. It’s quite mild.
May be an image of cat and bedroom
I was originally in a foster home with other animals. Not all the cats in the house were nice to me, so, despite my size, I was bullied…. can you believe it? I would do well with another relaxed cat. No dogs please, they are waaaay too scary! I’d also flourish as the star of the show in your household, so no other pets are ok by me.
I really love my wet food and will give you some cute little chirps to tell you how happy I am to get it. My foster mama was giving me a bit of kibble as well, but she says I need to work on my figure so a primarily wet food diet is the one for me.
No photo description available.
Vetting: I am neutered, dewormed, microchipped and fully vaccinated.

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