Meet Yeti The Highland Lynx Cat Has The Most Purrfect Ears & Paws.

There is just something about polydactyl cats that many of us cat lovers can’t help but go crazy for. And, after all, how could you not?! I mean, the only thing cuter than cat paws is kitties with extra toes on those cat paws, and for one curly-eared cutie cat named Yeti, he’s a ginger tabby that’s got toes for days. Born in April of 2021, his human tells me that he’s not done growing yet as his breed is known to be large. These gentle giants of the cat world are adored for their curly ears, rumpy little tails, and loveable personalities. Yeti has all of those traits, plus extra toes, and he’s a ginger cat on top of all that, so really, he’s a cat lover kryptonite!

Real Yeti Cat
Real Yeti Cat

Contents [hide]

    • How did Yeti get his name?
    • What is his personality like?
    • Does he have any cat or dog housemates at home?
    • What’s something special you’d like for people to know about Yeti?
    • What are his favorite hobbies?
  • Read more…

How did Yeti get his name?

He was named after the Yeti which is an abominable snowman a mythological creature that is huge white and furry like Bigfoot.

What is his personality like?

He is confident, highly intelligent, sweet, cuddly and enjoys being a troublemaker.

Does he have any cat or dog housemates at home?

Yeti has an older tabby cat brother Mac and a crested gecko named Sniper that he loves to watch in her habitat.


Real Yeti Cat
Real Yeti Cat

What’s something special you’d like for people to know about Yeti?

Yeti’s breed is a Highland Lynx he is a polydactyl cat he has 23 toes, his ears curl backward and he has a tiny little nub for a tail, he is a large breed and he will grow to 20 or more pounds.

I’d like to give a special “thank you” to Yeti’s cat mom, Kelly, for allowing me to share his story and images with all of the Cattitude Daily readers. For more on this super cute kitty cat with toes for days, be sure to follow him on Instagram.

Real Yeti Cat


Real Yeti Cat

What are his favorite hobbies?

He loves playing with his toys, running around the house doing zoomies, watching out the window at the birds and squirrels, and a long nap after a hard day

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