A dog’s desperate plea for help: This dog knew something was wrong and went to great lengths to get assistance for its puppies.

One day, while walking along a deserted road, I came across a mother dog walking down the street. She was standing on the side of the road, watching all the vehicles passing by. Her look was one of concern, of anguish. She seemed to ask for help, but no one stopped. I also felt surprised when I saw her, and I couldn’t help but stop.

As I approached, the dog approached my car and began barking, wagging her tail insistently. I realized something wasn’t right. She got under the car, and pointed her nose at me to a place near the road. eга a sewer. There, in the darkness and humidity, were her puppies.

They were so small, just a few days old. The rain was coming, and the threat of flooding was real. If we didn’t rescue them soon, they would get wet, cold, and could die.

I didn’t hesitate for a second. Carefully, I went down to the sewer and, with the help of the dog, rescued the little puppies. They were so fragile, so helpless. The mother was grateful, licking her puppies lovingly and looking at me with hopeful eyes.

It took us over an hour to get back on the road. The dog, whom I called María, did not leave her puppies for a moment. The three little ones slept peacefully in my arms, so adorable and tender.

Upon reaching a safe place, I was able to verify that the puppies were safe and sound. María, a beautiful and sociable dog, was affectionate and protective of her three biological children.

But the story does not end there. A few days later, Maria returned to the road, this time with two more puppies. They were two little ones that she had found abandoned, and she decided to take care of them as if they were her own.

Mary, with her maternal instinct, did not hesitate to give them shelter and food, even though she herself was weak and needy. The two puppies, whom we called Luna and Sol, became part of the family, and María gave them the same affection as she did her biological children.

Unfortunately, Luna and Sol were very small and weak. Despite María’s care, they could not survive. Her death filled us with sadness, but it also made us admire Mary’s kindness and dedication even more.

25 days passed, and Maria’s three puppies grew healthy and strong. Now, at two months old, they were ready to be vaccinated. We call them Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael, in honor of the Ninja Turtles.

Leonardo, the biggest and most playful, is always looking for adventure. Donatello, the calmest and most observant, enjoys naps in the sun. And Rafael, the most mischievous and curious, is always getting into trouble.

They are three puppies full of life, who enjoy playing, sunbathing and, of course, eating!

Thanks to Maria, I learned an invaluable lesson about maternal love, compassion, and strength. Her story taught me that life is full of surprises, and that kindness and selfless help always find their reward.

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