An abandoned dog clings to a red suitcase, its unwavering loyalty and belief in its owner’s return shining through.

“Those who found him and saved him are angels”

A few months ago, the Lega Del Cane Trani rescue groups encountered one of the saddest situations they had ever seen. A man was traveling between Trani and Barletta, in Italy, when he came across something suspicious.

On the side of the road, there was a broken suitcase and a canine bone a few centimeters away. The way the suitcase had been torn apart revealed the terrible situation in which this furry man had found himself. On social media, one user lamented: “How could someone do something like that?”

Everything seemed to indicate that they had put it in that folder to throw it in the trash. He managed to get out of there somehow, but he seemed completely exhausted and without strength. The rescue team was the one who found him. And they quickly entrusted him to his protection. The boy’s situation is extremely complicated.

I had a lot of stomach problems. And offering him such a desired treatment seemed impossible because he had no faith in anyone.

“Its control effects are amazing. It presents anemia, hyperparathyroidism, liver disease and necrosis of certain tissues. Their fatty enteric equipment is full of stones and skins from other countries, according to a Foundation spokesperson. Many people would give up in such a difficult situation, but this furry baddie deserved a chance to live a happy life. “The angels who found and rescued him are angels.”

He was very weak for weeks, but as the days passed he regained the energy to get up and was able to eat on his own.

He was given the name Kei, and despite his basic health, the most difficult challenge he faced was regaining his faith in humans. “We don’t know if he is a new puppy or if his anxiety is a consequence of everything he has been through,” says one of the rescuers.

Little by little, he has been encouraged to have a little more trust in people. He seems to understand that she is growing in size and strength as a result of the vets’ treatment.

It’s reassuring to know that the pup received all the help he needed after facing such a traumatic past. “Whoever adopts Kei will take care of a dog that will need to recover both physically and mentally. One of the rescuers said: “It’s a big commitment.”

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