A testament to resilience: A paralyzed dog’s unwavering determination to cross the street despite the rain and indifference of passersby serves as a stark reminder of the need for compassion and empathy.

In Venezuela, the JR Rescata Foundation came across a heartbreaking scene: a dog abandoned on the street, in the middle of a rainy day. She was completely soaked, with a wound on her body and her paws covered in mud. She had dragged her body along the ground, seeking shelter from the cold and the rain.

As seen in the Paws Show video on YouTube, the dog was lying on the street, completely adrift. Her eyes reflected sadness and abandonment. It was obvious that she had been alone for hours, without food, water or shelter.

The volunteers from the JR Rescata Foundation did not hesitate to come to their aid. With care and affection, they picked her up and carried her to her truck. She was taken to the vet, where they dried her, cleaned her wound, and gave her the medical attention she needed.

The dog, which was covered in mud, was docile and receptive to caresses. She did not resist the cleaning or the care they gave her. Her gaze no longer reflected the sadness of before, but rather a renewed hope. She was named Polly.

Polly received food, water and all the care she needed to recover. She had gone a long time without eating and she needed to get her energy back. Fortunately, she accepted the food gladly, albeit with the help of her caretakers.

The next day, Polly went out into the yard to sunbathe, walk around, and relieve herself. It was a sign that her recovery was on the right track.

“Polly wants to live like everyone else,” the video description reads. And it is true. Polly, thanks to the love and dedication of the JR Rescata Foundation volunteers, has regained her health and her joy. She has become a happy, healthy and full of life dog.

The JR Rescata Foundation, through its Instagram account “jenireerodriguezrescata”, documents the follow-up of its cases, including Polly’s. Its photos show Polly’s transformation, which shows her looking much better than the day she was found.

Polly’s story is an example of the importance of the work of animal rescue organizations. Thanks to her work, many abandoned and abused animals find a home, a family and a second chance.


Polly is a symbol of hope. Her story reminds us that compassion and solidarity can change the destiny of those who need it most.

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