Unwavering maternal instinct: A canine mother stays put for two weeks, protecting her helpless pups and never backing down.

A dog named Saria found herself in a distressing situation after being subjected to abuse and left in excruciating pain for a period of 14 days. Saria, tasked with caring for 7 tiny puppies on a construction site, had the important role of “protecting” these vulnerable pups. However, her life took a tragic turn two weeks ago when she fell victim to a brutal attack, resulting in severe suffering and agony.

Despite her best efforts to reunite with her cubs, Saria endured the excruciating pain for over two weeks, during which time she lost over 5 kilograms compared to her previous weight due to the intensity of her suffering and inability to consume food.

Fortunately, Saria was eventually rescued and taken to a veterinary clinic to receive much-needed medical care. Through a combination of veterinary care and compassionate support, Saria began her road to recovery. It was a slow and challenging process, but by day 50, Saria showed notable progress. Her strength returned to her, she was able to stand on her own and no longer experienced the intense pain that had tormented her for so long.

This transformation was not only physical, but also emotional, as Saria came to realize that there were many people in the world who cared deeply about her well-being.

Saria’s story serves as a moving reminder of the resilience and spirit of animals, as well as the transformative power of love and care in their healing process. It underlines the importance of extending compassion and support to animals in need, particularly stray dogs like Saria, who deserve a chance at a better, happier life.

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