Caroline Grace, the founder of Baby Kitten Rescue (in Los Angeles), received a plea from a partner shelter about a 5-week-old kitten who had hind limb paralysis.

A kitten was so thankful when a woman came to his aid. He scooted around the house and purred nonstop.

Archie the kittenBaby Kitten Rescue

Caroline Grace, the founder of Baby Kitten Rescue (in Los Angeles), received a plea from a partner shelter about a 5-week-old kitten who had hind limb paralysis.

The kitten, Archie, was in desperate need of specialized care and lots of TLC. “We did not hesitate to respond to the plea and agreed to take on the kitten,” Caroline told Love Meow.

“When I first got Archie home with me, he was tiny and terrified. Underneath all of his fluffy fur, he was skin and bones, dehydrated, covered in fleas, and had plants and dirts matted into his fur.”

Caroline began supportive care for the kitten, and was able to remove all the pesky fleas, get him cleaned up and hydrated.

He was scared at first but started purring when he realized he was safeBaby Kitten Rescue

“Archie was very scared at first and hid under all his blankets. He cried for the first hour, and then started to realize he was safe. Within a few hours he was purring up a storm and loving pets and snuggles.”

The kitten finally relaxed and took a long nap in a comfy bed with a full belly. He was so grateful to be cared for and quickly filled the room with his rumbling purrs.

All cleaned upBaby Kitten Rescue

As Archie came out of his shell and started to play, Caroline noticed that he had some movement in his back legs. “I also noticed he was able to use the litter box independently, which I didn’t expect from a paralyzed kitty,” Caroline shared with Love Meow.

She took Archie to the vet the next day, and everyone was smitten with him. The kitten kept his purr motor on through the entire appointment. “He was such a bright light and loving soul, I started calling him Mr. Sunshine.”

Baby Kitten Rescue

“The x-rays showed that Archie has a congenital malformation of the spine, meaning he was born with a misshapen spine. It causes the weakness and lack of mobility in his back legs,” Caroline told Love Meow.

“Archie is perfect just the way he is, but I wanted to get multiple professional opinions to do everything we could for him to have every possible chance at his easiest, happiest life.”

Archie adored his foster mom and soaked up all the loveBaby Kitten Rescue

Archie began to receive daily physical therapy and exercises at home, and weekly acupuncture sessions at a specialist.

“Through all the appointments, all the therapies, all the meds, Archie remained the sweetest, most loving little purr machine. He was always purring and basking in sun rays. He has such a feisty and sweet personality, and brings so much joy to everyone who interacts with him.”

Archie is very playful and doesn’t let anything stop him from having funBaby Kitten Rescue

When he played, he let nothing hold him back as he scooted around the room and chased after toys like there was no tomorrow.

Watch Archie the kitten in this cute video:

Archie the

Archie radiates light and joy like no other. Despite everything he has been through, he continues to purr and live everyday to the fullest. “He has no idea anything is different with him.”

He loves his fish toy and carries it around with himBaby Kitten Rescue

Pat, a speech language pathologist, came across Archie on Instagram one day and fell head over heels for the little man. “She has a heart for special needs and she fell in love with Archie,” Caroline told Love Meow.

“I was very upfront and honest about everything the vets had told us about Archie and his treatment plan, and Pat was totally on board and said she loved him the way he was no matter what and wanted to continue his therapies to help him in anyway that she could.”

Snuggling with his favorite toysBaby Kitten Rescue

Pat turned out to be the perfect match for Archie and ended up adopting him. Now, the kitten is scooting around a place of his own, playing with his new furry siblings and climbing everything he can lay his paws on.

“I was so happy and overjoyed for Archie to find such an incredible adopter who already loved him unconditionally and would just give him the absolute best life.”

Home sweet homePat @lilmanbeau1121

“He’s loving his new home and is starting to make friends with his kitty sister and doggy sister. His forever mommy Pat is so in love with him and he’s clearly already so in love with her.”

Archie loves his forever human mom PatPat @lilmanbeau1121

“Archie taught me so much and touched my life in a profound way. I’m so grateful for the time I got with him and all the love and purrs he gave me along the way. I’m so grateful that he gets the happily ever after that he deserves and that he will be loved and spoiled for the rest of his life.”

Baby Kitten Rescue

Share this story with your friends. Follow Baby Kitten Rescue on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Archie and his adventures on Instagram.

Related story: Kitten with Strong Will Transforms from Palm-sized Wonder to Sweetest Shoulder Cat

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