DJ Khaled travels in incredible luxury, whether on the road or in the sky

  • When DJ Khaled travels, he does it in luxury
  • One of his cars cost him $1.3 million.
  • He also likes to charter jets that cost $15,000 an hour
Edited by Alessandro Renesis
DJ Khaled travels in incredible luxury, whether on the road or in the sky.
DJ Khaled / Instagram – Bombardier

DJ Khaled likes to do the opposite of moving in silence.

When he travels, he does so in luxury and lets everyone know about it.

READ MORE: Diddy has an ultra-premium car collection with two Ferraris and arguably the best car in the world.

Whether it’s his $300,000 customized Maybach or one of the private jets he charters, the tycoon loves spending thousands of dollars traveling around the world.

Let’s take a look at some of its most luxurious cars.

Mercedes-Maybach S 680

On the road, DJ Khaled’s pride and joy is his Maybach limousine.

Named “ Maybach Cappuccino ”, the car is completely personalized in cream and mocha tones.

The interior is equipped with leather seats and four screens, because wherever he goes, his two young children go too.

With all the amenities, this car probably cost him around $300,000.

Maybach 62S Landaulet 2012

Before the Cappuccino , there was its Landaulet.

This car was only made in 8 copies and Khaled took it in 2021.

The music mogul prefers to be driven around rather than drive himself, which is why he invested in the ultimate luxury houseboat.

This limited edition of the Maybach cost him the tidy sum of $1.3 million.

Bombardier Global 7500

When traveling across America, Khaled likes to charter private planes for himself and his family.

Its plane of choice is the Bombardier Global 7500, the largest and longest-range business jet.

Many private jets boast of having multiple living spaces.

While they certainly look more luxurious than an economy seat, these “spaces” are mostly just a big couch.

Bombardier claims it is the only private plane with four “real” living spaces.

The master bedroom has a double bed that does not need to be folded away and a functional shower.

The 7500 also has a full-sized kitchen, because there’s nothing glamorous about a mini-fridge.

Khaled is only chartering the plane, for now.

“I’ll get one of these one day,” he said.

He uses VistaJet , an hourly plane rental service.

He has been known to ride one of these just to get to the golf course.

Considering jets cost upwards of $15,000 an hour, that’s a pretty expensive ride.

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