A boy and his dog hug each other in search of love and comfort.

For a long time now, we have often heard the phrase “Dogs are man’s best friend.” Perhaps it is because of the countless times we have witnessed or heard stories about dogs displaying unconditional love and loyalty towards their owners.


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They are even willing to risk their own lives and safety to do whatever it takes for those they consider family. Recently, a picture of a dog hugging its teenage owner has gone viral.



In the picture, you can see how both of them are sleeping together on a cold floor. Many netizens have commented on this picture, as they have siblings and pets that they love in the same way. They cannot understand why and how both of them are sleeping in such a dangerous place.



Many have also expressed their admiration, as despite the difficulties in their lives, one can see the true love and friendship between the two.



It was Jem Villomo, a netizen, who spotted them and took the photo which he shared online. Other netizens commented that the child should be under the care of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as it is extremely dangerous to allow them to roam the streets.



However, there are private organizations that could take care of the dog. It is true that in life we ​​face many trials and sufferings. But it is up to us whether we choose to sink into them or do our best to move forward and not give up. Fortunately, there are still people who believe in us and friends like this dog who are always there for their owners.

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