A skinny dog ​​cried from hunger: abandoned by his owner. He found the love of a stranger on the road.

One day, a dog handler saw an incredibly thin dog on the street. In fact, he was crying because he was hungry. He was a walking skeleton. It was clear: the dog had not eaten for a long time.

The person who found the dog was a woman named Tina Solera. In the Spanish city of Murcia, she is dedicated to saving dogs.

Tina immediately went to the place the caller had indicated and found everything exactly as he said.

She was a greyhound or “Spanish greyhound.” Looking at her, Solera realized: they were simply chasing the dog away, as they usually do with these dogs. Their fate is usually sad.

Residents in Spain keep dogs of this breed for hunting seasonal hares. And then they throw them out into the street or kill them. In the end, the owner no longer needs them!

Greyhounds are hunted at the optimum age for this type of hunting, from August until they are two years old. But then they also reach the age of “retirement”, which is usually the most tragic end.

Knowing this very well, Solera, who was born in England and lives in Murcia, set up a special centre to try to save the lives of dogs of this breed.

The woman took home the grey hound, named Matilda. The dog had many fleas and ticks. And her actions could show such strong fear that it almost hurt her to save her rescuer. They even had to put a muzzle on the dog.

At the same time, Solera knew that it was not the dog’s aggression, but its fear and mistrust. Thanks to this, he had to endure many hardships.

Tina later said she had never heard such a desperate “scream” from dogs. The woman even suggested that the dog was in severe pain!

However, an examination by the vet showed that Matilda was healthy. Yes, she was extremely sick but she showed no signs of a serious illness.

Tina took the dog home and did everything she could to restore her health. Over time, the overweight pet became restless and happy. Then Tina decided that it was time to find a long-term owner for Matilda. And she was taken away.

By the way, they were very surprised by Tina’s words about the dog. She is shy and timid. But in front of them is a cheerful and brave dog. Thank you for this Tina. You made Matilda trust everyone again!

The new owners gave the dog a different name. Now she is Dizzy. But she is still happy and wants so much for those who love and care for her. So today nothing will make Dizzy “cry” more!

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