Blac Chyna has ‘demonic’ tattoo removed after baptism

Blac Chyna is continuing her “healing journey” by removing “demonic” tattoos from her body.

Chyna, who recently said she wants to go by her birth name, Angela White, revealed on Instagram that she has begun the painful laser process to rid herself of some of her ink, including an image of a Baphomet, which is a goat-headed deity symbol of the occult.

“It gots to come off. I’m not about to have no mark of the beast,” she said in an Instagram video Sunday.

“When I first got the tattoo, that is not what it meant to me,” she added, referring to the devilish representation, but noted that she wants to remove anything “demonic” from her body and life.

“I am releasing all negative energy that is holding me back,” White, 34, captioned the video.

Blac Chyna
Blac Chyna, who now goes by her name Angela White, is removing her “demonic” tattoo.blacchyna/Instagram
Blac Chyna back tattoos
The Baphomet tattoo on her hip and butt area is just one of many that cover the former stripper’s body.blacchyna/Instagram
Blac Chyna
She also has tons of flowers and other designs, though it’s unclear if she plans to remove all of her ink or just the “negative” symbols on her “healing journey.”blacchyna/Instagram

Not only did she have the Baphomet depiction removed from her lower back and butt area, but the former “Rob & Chyna” star also had two tattoos dedicated to exes Tyga and Almighty Jay removed at the same time.

The changes come after the mom of two revealed that she was baptized on her birthday last year and has been on a faith journey.

Keke Palmer was one of many in the comment section who were supportive of the move, writing, “God bless you sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is ALWAYS READY!!! Isn’t his GRACE overwhelming??? All we have to do is walk through the door.”

Rapper Lil Mama said, “I’m Extremely Proud of You. I appreciate your Will to Grow!!!!”

Blac Chyna Baphomet tattoo
She can be heard yelping in pain and cursing at the first pass of laser on the ink.blacchyna/Instagram
Blac Chyna tattoo removal
White also had the names of ex-boyfriends Tyga and Almighty Jay removed in the same session.blacchyna/Instagram
Blac Chyna getting baptized
The former reality star’s “healing journey” comes after she revealed that she was baptized last year and has been getting back to her “baseline” look.
The tattoos are not the first part of the former stripper’s body that have undergone changes as of late.

She also had her facial fillers dissolved and underwent surgery to reduce her breasts and butt as part of her new rebrand, saying she’s “ready to get back to Angela” and “back to the baseline” of how she really looks.

What’s more, White said she’s retiring her long acrylic nails and deactivated her OnlyFans account for the sake of 10-year-old son King, whom she shares with Tyga, and 6-year-old daughter Dream, whose father is Rob Kardashian.

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