A kitten was able to stand again after receiving lots of care and cuddles.

Navidad the kitteпWilma @pυrrs_iп_paradise Last moпth, the Hυmaпe Leagυe of Laпcaster (iп Peппsylvaпia) took iп a tiпy kitteп that had beeп foυпd as a stray. The oraпge…

Anne shared several of these adorable and unusual photos that captivated our hearts. Just take a look at how tenderly this monkey holds the tiny kitten.

Source: anneyoungphotography.com And the kitten reciprocates the affection by headbutting and snuggling against the monkey, as if she were his mother. Source: anneyoungphotography.com It’s not uncommon for…

Their neighbor’s daughters are co-founders of Mini Cat Town, a local cat rescue, so they brought the spicy kitten over and asked for help.

Lucky the kittenMini Cat Town A few weeks ago, a family from San Jose, California discovered a hissy feral kitten outside their home. Upon closer inspection, the…

A kitten stumbling through a brush pile became the most spirited cat after discovering the comforts of a warm retreat.

DJ MittensAlyssa A wobbly kitten was spotted stumbling into a brush pile, terrified and desperately trying to hide from people. Despite his fear, he didn’t have a…

A pair of kittens decided to trust after being rescued. They even accepted a lone kitten from the street.

Cinnamon and NutmegLaila @rescueforwinston Two very timid kittens were brought into the Winston Memorial Foundation (in Kuwait) when their owners could no longer afford their care. The…

Two kittens stand like humans and always have each other through their journey to a very happy ending.

Otter and BunnyBabyKittenRescue Caroline Grace, founder of Baby Kitten Rescue, was contacted about two orphaned kittens who had been found outside. Their cat mother never returned for…

Boomer is a Bengal and although they are amazingly beautiful, they are not for everyone; first they are not lap cats and generally don’t like to be cuddled.

The reaction of the dogs is priceless. Boomer is a Bengal and his human, who has more than 30 years as an animal trainer, has this to…

This beloved grey tabby cat has been a source of joy and learning for her human, Kait, for over 20 years over the past two decades.

This beloved grey tabby cat has been a source of joy and learning for her human, Kait, for over 20 years over the past two decades. Despite…

Liam, 6, was adopted from a local animal rescue when he was just two months old.

Siпce that day, he has beeп aп iпtegral part of his family’s life, they caппot imagiпe their lives withoυt him. Wheп he was still a kitteп, Liam’s…

A very scraggly cat was found on the streets of New Jersey, all alone, trying to survive.

A very scraggly cat was found on the streets of New Jersey, all alone, trying to survive. Fortunately he was taken into Voorhees Animal Orphanage and the staff noticed…

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