City Dog Is Completely Transformed During Visit With His Grandparents In The Country

Coco, a miniature poodle mix, is very much a city pup — enjoying nothing more than train rides across town, or mixing and mingling with other dogs at day care. But recently, Coco experienced a whole other side to life.

It all started when Coco’s mom, Alexis Pepillo, dropped the pup off at her parents’ house in the Colombian countryside before traveling out of town. Pepillo’s parents promised to send daily updates of her beloved pet and reassured her that he would have a great time.

But Pepillo had no idea what her parents had in store for the fluffy white dog — or how much he’d seem to love it.


“I just got the following message from my mom: ‘Hi!!! Today was a very adventurous day for Coco. He rode a horse and swam in the river,’” Pepillo wrote on X, previously Twitter.

The first picture showed Coco perched in a traditional Colombian bag, ready to take in all the sights while hanging from his grandma’s shoulder. The following pictures displayed a shocking turn of events.

The once-clean boy ended the day caked in mud — and he looked like a completely different dog.


Pepillo swiped through the pictures, stunned by Coco’s drastic transformation. A few minutes later, her mom sent more pictures detailing every stop on their mud-filled excursion. From the horse rides to river walks, the fun-loving boy had the time of his life in nature.

You can see more pictures from his adventures here:

When Pepillo posted about Coco’s adventure online later, folks couldn’t get enough of his hilarious transformation. Everyone could relate to his cheery disposition at the start of the day compared to his exhausted face at the end.

“Coco could be a meme,” Pepillo wrote on X.


Coco has gone on many adventures since, but none compare to his day out with his grandparents. He’ll always cherish the time they let him get his paws dirty and fully explore the world around him.

The sweet boy already can’t wait for his next playdate with his grandparents. Until then, he’ll keep enjoying life by his mom’s side as her most adorable and fearless companion.



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