Four kittens were born in a garage. Their lives completely changed when kind people opened their homes to them.

Midge, Maeve, Mason, and MaybelleKelsey @pennyandthefosters

A feral cat snuck into a garage and gave birth to a litter of four: three torties and one ginger. The homeowner didn’t notice them until they were about one and a half weeks old.

Soon, the mother cat took off and never returned. The homeowner tried to bottle feed the kittens despite having a cast on her arm, but she couldn’t physically keep up with the demand of four babies.

Kelsey, a foster volunteer of IndyHumane, received a message seeking help for the kittens and jumped into action.

Kelsey @pennyandthefosters

“I picked up the babies from the caretaker and took them home. They were chunky, fuzzy, and immediately took to the bottle,” Kelsey shared with Love Meow.

The kittens were content in their cozy incubator, being fed and cared for around the clock. “Midnight feedings became the highlight of my day because they were so easy to feed, and we got to have cuddles and milk-drunk parties for a bit before bed.”

MasonKelsey @pennyandthefosters

“Maybelle and Midge very quickly had some tortitude. Maeve was the most calm and sweetest. Mason (ginger) was the first to need a butt bath due to his long fur and was somehow always the victim to Midge’s antics.”

Penny, a cat-loving resident dog, offered to babysit the kittens when Kelsey changed their bedding. “She takes the responsibility very seriously and made sure they didn’t have any leftover formula on their faces.”

Penny, a resident dog, gave each kitten a face washKelsey @pennyandthefosters

With good food and plenty of TLC, the kittens quickly outgrew their incubator and moved into a playpen. They explored curiously, with their tails pointing in the opposite direction.

They inspected every nook and cranny and even played with toys.

The kittens in their new playpenKelsey @pennyandthefosters

After touring around their new digs, they cuddled up in a pile and fell fast asleep.

When Kelsey was out of town, another foster volunteer, Brett, opened his home to the crew of four. His resident cats welcomed them with open paws.

MaybelleKelsey @pennyandthefosters

Strauss, the orange cat, took them under his wing, and the kittens followed him around and napped beside him.

With the cats showing them the ropes, the kittens discovered the ins and outs of the house, and their personalities truly blossomed.

The kittens enjoy hanging out with their feline friend, Strauss@pennyandthefosters

“Maybelle and Mason have started joining the 4 AM stampede down the stairs for breakfast with the resident kitties,” Kelsey shared.

“Maeve stays back and sleeps in the kitten room a lot but will show up in the afternoon to play, explore, and cuddle. Midge still beats up Mason when she gets the chance.”

Maybelle, Midge, and MaeveKelsey @pennyandthefosters

They have learned to eat from a dish and surpassed the one-pound milestone. They tumble and wrestle with each other and romp around the house with unbridled energy.

They have successfully scaled the couch to the window sill to enjoy their feline entertainment.

Kelsey @pennyandthefosters

The kittens adore their humans, trailing them from room to room until they settle on their lap. “They make kitten blankets on anyone who sits down.”

Through the kindness of the finder and volunteers, the four are thriving.

Maybelle is full of tortitudeKelsey @pennyandthefosters

A future of endless affection, happiness, and pampering awaits them.

“Always good to know there are kind people out there willing to help take bottle babies off your hands and help them grow into cats.”


Share this story with your friends. More on the kittens and Kelsey’s fosters on Instagram and IndyHumane on Instagram.

Related story: Cat Gives Indoor Life a Try After Living Outside Most of His Life, Turns Out It’s the Best Thing Ever

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