Full Coverage: Everybody is laughing at Ronda Rousey because of her arrogance!

Ronda Rousey is a familiar name among UFC and WWE fans and just so you know, she is the first-ever female UFC champion. There is no doubt that she captured the hearts of her fans for so many years but with her continuous wins, she got arrogant with time and became a toxic fighter who disrespected her opponents every single time.

Her toxic and conceited personality ultimately led to her downfall, and people eagerly anticipated her demise to make fun of her. First, we need to know about her career and impact on fans because her impact on the viewers was so immense that the viewership of female UFC increased only because of Ronda Rousey.

She had a long list of wins and didn’t face a loss till UFC 193 on November 14, 2015. Her fight was scheduled with Holly Holm, who herself was a 19-time boxing world champion. She broke Ronda’s arrogance and broke her down in the fight. The viewers celebrated that night and said Ronda deserved it.

Ronda Rousey's refusal to accept defeat fuels fan criticism.
Ronda Rousey’s refusal to accept defeat fuels fan criticism.

Ronda Rousey’s downfall

Ronda was at the height of her conceit and haughtiness prior to the UFC 193 bout; she even made fun of Holly by claiming that she was no better than any other opponent and could not stand before her. But the end result broke her down and fans laughed a lot at Ronda’s failure.

Her downfall started right from there and she started to make a lot of blunders after her loss. She became extremely toxic with her fans on social media. Ronda then joined WWE and rose to prominence, but her dominance in the WWE only served to increase her arrogance. After she became the WWE champion, she was portrayed as a negative character there.

She left WWE in 2019 but most of the sources state that WWE fired her because she was creating trouble in the management by demanding to remain the champion until someone really defeated her. The show works on the public rating of the WWE stars and tries to bring the most entertainment in fights but Ronda wasn’t cognizant of that.Ronda Rousey talks new memoir, 'Our Fight' - Good Morning America

The fight between Ronda and Holly has lasted 9 years but in a recent podcast, Ronda still cannot accept that she lost to Holly. She still makes excuses for her loss and fans have criticized her for that. It is 2024, and Ronda still retains her egotistical nature so you can understand why people are laughing at her downfall.

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