Hilarious Cats Caught Snoozing in the Weirdest Poses

Funny Cats in the Strangest Positions Ever While Sleeping

Now, it’s no news that us, humans, will never be as flexible as our beloved cute cats, but the positions that they can sleep in still manage to amaze us. These fluffy purr balls can contort their four-legged bodies in such spots, that even the best circus acrobat would never be able to recreate them, not to mention comfortably sleep in. You might feel the urge to throw in the comment, that all of the funny cats are liquids and they can fit anywhere, but after checking this compilation of weird cats in their sleeping positions, you’ll probably agree that this way of resting is only appropriate for demonic entities. If you feel that your cringe digesting capability hasn’t been maxed out today, check the freaky sleeping cats below. As improbable as it may seem, the cats in these funny pictures are most likely having the best sleep in their whole nine lives. This post may include affiliate links.

#1 The Three Siblings Taking A Nap

Alison Marchand▲ 197 ▼

#2 This Guy Found The Best Place In The Park To Rest

HoffLensMetalHedLovesAnimalsUK▲ 197 ▼

#3 I Know Cats Like To Sleep In Weird Positions, But This Is Probably The Most Ridiculous

Troux▲ 190 ▼

#4 My Kitten Likes To Sleep In My Boyfriend’s Motorbike Helmet

Sophie Warner▲ 190 ▼

#5 D’awww Monday Agaaaain?

Withnail▲ 190 ▼

#6 My Cat Fell Asleep In My Salad

Troux▲ 185 ▼

#7 My 3 Lbs Kitten’s Favorite Place To Nap Is On Top Of, Underneath, Inside, And Next To Our 70 Lbs Golden Retriever

Troux▲ 185 ▼

#8 My Cat Always Covers His Private Bits When Sleeping On His Back, Because He Is A Decent, Upstanding Member Of Society

Tor Rolf Strøm▲ 184 ▼

#9 My Cat When He Thinks There’s No One Home

Withnail▲ 180 ▼

#10 Very Few Things Disturb Her Sleep

elfin▲ 179 ▼

#11 I Was Trying To Take A Picture Of My Sleeping Cat But I Ended Up Scaring Her Instead

Sophie Warner▲ 173 ▼

#12 Waterfall Kitty

Withnail▲ 170 ▼

#13 I Think My Cat Is Actually A Tiny Man In A Cat Suit

Valerie Gibson▲ 170 ▼

#14 My Mom Sent Me This Picture Of Her Cat Sleeping

Troux▲ 166 ▼

#15 I Planted Oat Grass For The Cat To Snack On, She Decided It Makes A Good Bed

Pretty Pangolin▲ 165 ▼

#16 My Fiancé And Our Cat, Catching Flies

Luis Milian▲ 163 ▼

#17 Came Home To The Neighbour’s Farm Cats Newest Kitten Sleeping In My Shoe

Sophie Warner▲ 162 ▼

#18 I Think This Proves That Cats Really Will Sleep Anywhere

Troux▲ 161 ▼

#19 So I Caught My Cat Sleeping In This Position

Sophie Warner▲ 155 ▼

#20 My Friend’s Kitty Napping In Her Cup Holder

nanashi▲ 154 ▼

#21 I Found Them Like This

Nadine▲ 154 ▼

#22 Help Needed. My Friend’s Cat Melted During Sleep. What Do We Do?

Nadine▲ 153 ▼

#23 Any Ideas, How Does She Manage To Sleep Like That?

Sophie Warner▲ 152 ▼

#24 This Is What I Wake Up To Every Morning

Freya the Wanderer▲ 151 ▼

#25 My Wife And My Cat

KT Trondsen▲ 148 ▼

#26 Cats Sleep In The Weirdest Places

Lachlan Steininger▲ 147 ▼

#27 Tired Murph Getting Over His Case Of The Mondays

Valerie Gibson▲ 146 ▼

#28 Ohh Yes, It’s A Good Sleep

Withnail▲ 144 ▼

#29 Perfect Spot

Troux▲ 142 ▼

#30 Put My Cat On A Timed Feeder To Try To Help Him Lose Some Weight. He Sleeps Like This Now

Alison Marchand▲ 139 ▼

#31 Our Foster Kitten Finds The Weirdest Places To Sleep

Dawn Soehren▲ 137 ▼

#32 Found Kitty Asleep In Front Of The Fire In The Cutest Position

Jovita A▲ 135 ▼

#33 My Girlfriend’s Cat Sleeping On The Barbecue

Shinobi Shabby▲ 134 ▼

#34 My New Kitten Just Fell Asleep Against The Wall

Id row▲ 133 ▼

#35 My Cat Wouldn’t Accept The Fact That The Box Was Too Small For Him

ingrid▲ 131 ▼

#36 Too Big For This Bed Already?

Pretty Pangolin▲ 128 ▼

#37 My Cat Likes To Sleep In Obscure Places

Alison Marchand▲ 127 ▼

#38 This Is How I Found Her Sleeping

Nadine▲ 125 ▼

#39 The Most Comfortable Way To Sleep Apparently

Pretty Pangolin▲ 125 ▼

#40 I Was Freaking Out Because I Couldn’t Find Him. Finally Found Him Sleeping Like This

Nadine▲ 122 ▼

#41 My Cat Is Living His Best Life, Blissfully Asleep

Id row▲ 121 ▼

#42 Throwback To When My Roommate’s Cat Was Sleeping In My Bra

Sophie Warner▲ 121 ▼

#43 My Boyfriend’s Cat Likes To Sleep Against The Wall

Kateri▲ 119 ▼

#44 My Cat Always Finds The Most Unusual Positions Comfy

Sophie Warner▲ 117 ▼

#45 My Cat Likes To Sleep Where I Can’t Avoid Stroking Her

Sophie Warner▲ 110 ▼

#46 Super Comfy

Troux▲ 108 ▼

#47 Cats Will Sleep Anywhere

Alison Marchand▲ 107 ▼

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