“I never plan to stop” – Ronda Rousey teases surprising next career move after ending WWE run on bad terms

The “Rowdy” former Champion hasn’t had kind words to say about WWE

Ronda Rousey hasn’t exactly been having the best reactions due to her comments, or rather, the negative remarks she made against WWE about her time there. She seemed to tease her next major career move after closing the pro wrestling chapter.

It seems like Ronda Rousey is truly done with WWE for good, as she explicitly stated that she has no intention of returning. She described the company as a “s**t show” despite most of her second run being during the Triple H era. Either way, it all came to an end at SummerSlam 2023.

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Responding to an article posted about her next career move as a screenwriter, Rousey said she never plans to stop.

“What an amazing article thank you so much for your acceptance and highlighting the dark art of script coverage🙏🏼🙏🏼

🙏🏼 learned so much and continue to do so, I never plan to stop,” she wrote.

Check out the tweet here.


Vince Russo gave a realistic take on why Ronda Rousey hated life in WWE

Considering all the recent negative comments Rousey has made about WWE, especially one targeting top executive Bruce Prichard, there was speculation that the former was responsible for her departure.

However, ex-WWE writer Vince Russo has a different theory.


On a recent episode of The Wrestling Outlaws, Vince Russo said that Ronda Rousey was used to the regimented lifestyle of an athlete and that WWE is a whole different ball game, which is probably one of the reasons why Rousey hated it so much.Picture background

“She had a really bad experience. I don’t know, obviously there were issues with Bruce [Prichard]. She had a really bad experience. I think and I said it way back then. I think what happened with Ronda was, when she was training for an MMA fight, she was going home every night. She had the same routine every day. She ate meals at the same hours every day. When she signed up with WWE and started going on house shows and on the road, that’s a totally different animal. All of a sudden, you take an athlete that has a regiment they follow every single day. To be a champion, that’s the regiment she had to have, where I guarantee you it was the same every day,” said Russo.

It certainly makes a lot of sense, but it was likely only one of the reasons behind her departure.

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