In the past, people were worried that cats would attack chickens, but they didn’t expect them to get along so wel

We’ve had an old, picky cat for quite a while now… Mom often compares it to its long-time single owner. In the past, the owner has tried to adopt other pets to liven up the house, but the cat’s fierce opposition has made everyone hesitant.

Recently, parents in the house unfortunately let the basket of eggs hatch into children, but now these chicks consider cats to be their mothers. Even stranger was that this hard-to-live cat was so patient with the chicks

So from here in the house there is 1 more cat mother and 1 flock of young chicks wrapped together. The cat’s name is Oscar, the chicks, the body is small, and the beak is pitted, often pecking on the mother’s head. Mom Cat is still very patient holding her children in her arms, she seems to enjoy being a mother haha

Gradually the chicks became more and more leopard, culminating in them lining up to sit on top of the mother cat… The mother had a helpless expression on her face, “You are tired of living, Xiao Zi quickly went down, I chew your head now…”

The whole family witnessed the scene feeling extremely funny, finally this difficult cat met the opponent.

In the past, people were worried that cats would attack chickens, but they didn’t expect them to get along so well. Looking at this “full of love and warmth” scene, everyone must be surprised…

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