Is this the Saddest Cat? What Can Make Him Happy Again?

Say hello to Gimli!

This beautiful Norwegian Forest from Holland lives a wonderful life full of companionship and adventure.

His story begins when Patricia, Sander, and their daughter Noa adopted Gimli he was about 16 weeks old.

Is this the Saddest Cat? What Can Make Him Happy Again?

20 Year Old Rescue Cat Finally Finds a Home


On their first meeting at the cattery, they were immediately smitten with him, marking the beginning of a cherished relationship.

Gimli quickly adapted to his new home, he immediately felt comfortable with this adorable family and knew he belonged there.

“We fell in love with him from the first moment we saw him. He was such a sweetie,” shared Patricia with We Love Cats and Kittens.

“So we were very happy we were chosen and could give him his forever home.”

A notable early connection was formed between Gimli and Noa during that first visit to Gimli’s birthplace.

Their bond was special from the start, with Gimli showing a keen interest in playing with Noa and even purring while she cuddled him.

Upon settling into their home, Gimli adjusted to the household’s daily routines.

The family lives in an apartment with a large balcony, providing Gimli with a great place to watch the birds and Noa skate.

His reactions, including meowing, signaled a desire to be closer to her, prompting outdoor adventures with a harness and later, a specially selected backpack for easier travel.

After training their cat to use the backpack, this allowed Gimli to explore outdoors at his own pace, often leading the way with Noa following, underscoring their unique companionship.

Gimli’s curiosity and love for exploration were nurtured with gradual introductions to the outdoors, starting with acclimation to a harness and a backpack, which contained his scent for comfort.

These first steps went well and so they decided it was time to take Gimli on more outdoor adventures where Gimli’s independent spirit shone through.

 Gimli and Noa became the purr-fect walking companions.

He did not simply follow Noa; instead, their roles reversed, with Noa following him wherever he ventured.

“He loves to explore because he’s very curious and he wants to do it on his own pace, so it’s actually not that he follows our daughter, but the other way around,” explains Patricia.

“Where he goes, she goes, and only with her, and that’s really special.”

This dynamic showed their mutual respect and a deep bond was forged between them, with shared adventures and moments of play, especially evident during their forest walks.

But of course, Noa wasn’t the only one that had cemented a bond with this delightful, Norwegian kitty.

Patricia, affectionately known as his “meowmy” had also formed a bond, in fact, when it was time for bed, she was the only one he would sleep beside.

“I took some days off so he can adjust to the home and also to me, and he loves to sleep next to me. I’m the only human he does that with, so that’s a special thing for me,” she recalls.

“But when Noa comes home from school, he loves to play with her.”

The pair spend some time cuddling, which includes Gimli giving Noa plenty of nose kisses, and then they play for a while – any excuse not to get on with her homework!

Patricia shared with us how Gimli instantly brought happiness and companionship into her family’s life from their very first time they met.

Their adventures, both indoors and outdoors, are cherished moments that illustrate the profound connection that is possible between humans and their pets.

Check out Gimli and family in the video below:

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