Ronda Rousey engaged to fellow UFC fighter Travis Browne with wedding coming ‘soon’

RONDA ROUSEY is engaged to fellow UFC fighter Travis Browne and wants to get married sooCó thể là hình ảnh về 2 người, trang phục thể thao và văn bản

The MMA star is taking time out of her fight career after two crushing consecutive defeats and has made a start to a new job as an actress.

 Ronda Rousey is engaged to fellow UFC fighter Travis Browne

2Ronda Rousey is engaged to fellow UFC fighter Travis BrowneCredit: Getty Images

The former UFC champion was spotted walking in America with a huge diamond ring on her finger and admitted she was betrothed.


When asked about the massive new piece of bling on her once-fierce left hand Rousey said: “We’re getting married.

And when pressed on when she could make her way down the aisle, she said: “Soon but I don’t really know what goes on in planning a wedding.

“It could be really easy. I know I don’t want a lot, I don’t really need decorations or flowers, just somewhere to go and something to eat and people around.”

 The 6ft 7in fighter proposed to the former champion in New Zealand

The 6ft 7in fighter proposed to the former champion in New ZealandCredit: Getty Images

Browne divorced first wife Jenna Renee Webb in February 2016 after she accused him of domestic abuse.

The 6ft 7in heavyweight was temporarily suspended by UFC after Webb posted a series of pictures online of various bruises she claimed Browne – the father of her two children – inflicted.

But he seems intent of having a much happier second shot at married life after a romantic proposal.

Brown said: “We are engaged.  We were under a waterfall in New Zealand and it felt like the right place to do it.”

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