Ronda Rousey to quit WWE after embarrassing squash? 3 possible finishes for her match vs. Shayna Baszler at SummerSlam

It’s time! WWE’s SummerSlam is scheduled to feature a bout between two best friends turned bitter enemies,

and this one has been a long time in the making.

Introducing first: fighting out of the blue corner, she hails from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She is a Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu specialist.

Ladies and gentlemen, she holds one of the longest Women’s title reigns in NXT history. The Submission Magician, The Queen of Spades, Shayna Baszler.

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And now, fighting out of the red corner. She comes to us from Santa Monica, California. This woman is a Judo specialist. She is a three-time WWE Women’s Champion across both Raw and SmackDown. She is known worldwide as The Baddest Woman on the Planet, Rowdy Ronda Rousey.Although Rousey vs. Baszler at SummerSlam is seemingly set to be a standard singles match, that could very well change by the time The Biggest Party of the Summer rolls around. There is a lot of history between these two, and some bad blood might bring about a more dramatic stipulation before the match gets underway.What is Ronda Rousey's Net Worth in 2024 | Fan Arch

However, assuming these two meet head-to-head in a simple match to settle their differences, here are three possible finishes for Ronda Rousey vs. Shayna Baszler at SummerSlam 2023.

In case you didn’t know already, it’s been rumored that Ronda Rousey and WWE will part ways after SummerSlam. If the rumors are true, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for WWE to transform Shayna Baszler into the 2nd coming of Rousey.


This potential decision may come as a shock to some, as Ronda has been booked to look nearly unbeatable for the better part of five years. With that said, there would no longer be a need to book Rousey that way if this is going to be her last match.

On the other hand, Baszler would benefit greatly from a convincingly dominant victory, as it would legitimize her even further as one of WWE’s most prominent stars.

#2. Ronda Rousey taps out Shayna Baszler on her way out of WWE

It’s traditionally typical for a wrestler to put over a fellow combatant on their way out of the company. On the contrary, this sort of thing doesn’t happen every time a superstar retires or leaves.

Goodbyes are rarely permanent in the world of sports entertainment, and this could very well ring true for The Baddest Woman on the Planet.

Rousey’s entire gimmick has been based on dominance, so WWE might just make her look strong on her way out – especially if she’s returning down the line.

In this scenario, Baszler wins the bout, but Rousey still looks strong in defeat. While there are a lot of fans who don’t care for Ronda’s wrestling skills, let’s be optimistic and give the woman some credit.Ronda Rousey Next Project Revealed After WWE Departure - WrestleTalk

She’s put on some noteworthy matches with the likes of Nia Jax, Charlotte Flair, and Mercedes Moné (Sasha Banks) during her stint. Matches that were all well-received amongst the wrestling community.

There’s no denying that Ronda Rousey could have benefited greatly from paying her dues in NXT, as it would’ve allowed her to experiment more with her character and understand what does and doesn’t work on the mic. Plus, she would’ve been able to master the aspect of staying focused on the match whilst not letting the crowd get to her.

Fortunately, there’s one aspect she’s picked up for sure; the art of still coming off as dominant while losing. Think back to her feud with Liv Morgan for reference. In this case, she could potentially lose to Baszler via roll-up. Shayna would still get the win, but Rousey could easily state that it was just luck.Ronda Rousey Interview Sparks Strong Reaction From MMA Community

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