Ronda Rousey’s first move post WWE

Ronda Rousey’s cryptic tease about having no reason to remain in the pro-wrestling business may have signaled the end of her second run with WWE.

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Her longtime friend from the UFC – Shayna Baszler – knocked off The Baddest Woman on the Planet at SummerSlam. The former’s booking going forward will translate whether the win over the UFC Hall of Famer elevated Baszler’s career. That seems to have been the end of the line for Rousey’s career for the time being.

Per PWInsider, Ronda Rousey is writing her second memoir titled ‘Our Fight,’ The ex-UFC star previously wrote ‘My Fight’ in 2015.

The feud between Rousey and Baszler was one of the more gripping stories coming out of WWE TV in recent times.

If the Baddest Woman on the Planet’s first run between 2018 and 2019 was about women closing out a WrestleMania, the next between 2022 and 2023, was about trying to bring more storylines into the women’s division.

Former WWE Champion comments the one thing missing from Ronda Rousey’s career

Hall of Famer Mick Foley believes the ex-UFC star’s career missed a key factor which made other WWE Legends all-time greats. Sharing a post titled ‘In Praise of Ronda Rousey,’ Foley stated:

“I would put Ronda’s rapid progress up there with that of Steve Austin, Kurt Angle and The Rock – the fastest learning curves I’ve personally seen in our business. But each of those giants had one formidable arrow in their quivers that Ronda never quite got the grasp of – the ability to cut a great promo. That’s really all that was missing, all that prevented Ronda from being considered an all-time great.”

Foley further added an observation that fans didn’t notice or Rousey never quite got the credit for two things that were on display on television. Read more here.

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