Ronda Rousey’s war of words with WWE

Having given up MMA to become a wrestler, Ronda Rousey has continued to stagnate at WWE. Recently, Ronda Rousey has continued to cause trouble with her colleagues at WWE.

Ronda Rousey has been away from WWE for over a year, and in the meantime, the superstar wrestler is continuing to close her path back to WWE. In an interview, Ronda Rousey was so carefree when she said: ”  I love WWE, I think going around and doing fake fights is the most fun thing in the world.”

Ronda Rousey 'có khả năng giải nghệ' đấu vật chuyên nghiệp

Immediately after making the above statement, Ronda Rousey received a lot of criticism from fans and colleagues at WWE. Nia Jax, a female wrestler at WWE, threatened to beat up Ronday Rousey when the former UFC champion stepped into the wrestling ring. Female wrestler Alexi Bliss also felt offended by WWE’s “fake fights” that caused her to get injured and have to take a year off from performing.

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But instead of calming things down, Ronda Rousey decided to side with the “real fighters” and not her current WWE colleagues. She tweeted:  “All the people who are mad at me for calling wrestling fake are people who have never fought a real fight. While you’re trying to avoid hurting your fragile egos by equating it to fighting in the ring, you’re hurting the real fighters out there who are getting beat up.

I know having to perform 300 days a year is a horrible thing and requires professionalism, but what if you had to fight 300 real fights a year? You would die.”

As a former professional boxer, Ronda Rousey also believes that equating wrestling with martial arts is an insult to boxers.

To make things more tense, Ronda Rousey also added a hashtag #kayfabekiller, implying that she was exposing the truth behind the wrestler’s kayfabe. Not stopping there, just this morning, the former UFC champion also criticized WWE fans for being ungrateful. Ronda Rousey khẩu chiến với WWE

“I was away from  home 200 days a year while I was competing, and when I got home I was severely sleep deprived. It wasn’t worth it for my family because we had eliminated unnecessary expenses to live frugally. We didn’t need to make a lot of money. I regretted spending my time and energy on a group of fans who were ungrateful and even looked down on me,” Ronda Rousey told Jackass Steve-O’s podcast.

However, Ronda Rousey has never said a word of criticism about WWE, she still admits her love for wrestling. However, with recent actions, perhaps Ronda Rousey’s way back is no longer bright, even though her contract still expires in 2021.

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