This dog’s incredible journey from starvation to recovery is an inspiration to us all.

On November 1, a couple bought an old house. Upon entering, they encountered a dog that looked like it had been locked up for a long time. He was thin, with bones that threatened to pierce his skin, and his eyes reflected deep sadness.

Marisa, from Coraço100dono, an organization dedicated to animal care, took care of him. She took him to the vet immediately, because his condition was serious. The dog, whom they named Valentí, was malnourished, infested with fleas and parasites, and suffering from severe dehydration.

The real estate agent claimed that the previous owner did not have a dog. The only possible explanation is that Valentí was abandoned in the house, since the door was locked and he could not escape. No one saw him until the couple entered the house.

For weeks, Valentí had only had rainwater to drink. His body was weak, but his eyes reflected a deep hope to survive.

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Marisa took him back to her shelter the next day. Valentí’s story spread quickly on social networks, moving thousands of people.

People rallied to Valentí. They sent him food, blankets and toys. Marisa prepared a delicious dish for him, which Valentí devoured with pleasure. Finally, after so long, he could enjoy a hot meal.

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Marisa also took him for a walk in the park. Valentí, who had not gone outside for months, ran and jumped with joy. eга as if he had been reborn.

Three days after his rescue, Valentí had gained a kilo of weight. His body was beginning to regain the strength he had lost. He could walk properly and play with other dogs.

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Although he still had a long way to go, Valentí could now sleep in a warm and safe bed. He had found a home, a place where he was loved and cared for.

Valentí’s story is an example of the cruelty suffered by many abandoned animals. But it is also a testament to the kindness and compassion of the people who dedicate themselves to rescuing and caring for animals in need.

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Thanks to Marisa and Coraço100dono, Valentí was able to regain his health and joy. His story reminds us of the importance of responsibility towards animals and the need to fight against abandonment and abuse.

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