Who’s the Best Dog Mom Ever? This 9-Year-Old German Shepherd Raising a Bunch of Adorable Fawns!

Unconditional Love dog 🐕 and fawn 🦌

Sarge what a beautiful & loving Momma you are to these sweet Fawns!
This is beautiful, so comforting to both. 💜

 This is what love is… Pure and always unconditional! ❣️🐾

Even a Mother animal will take over raising a baby animal once you become a MOTHER IT’S FOR LIFE!

Please don’t scroll without giving them some love! 🙏

Many people may still believe that a dog is a mischievous and careless.
But did you know that dogs have a very loving personality? Their big heart is always open to those in need of comfort, care, and protection.
Sarge, a German Shepherd, is a gentle dog who is also a wonderful mother who always looks after orp.hans.

German Shepherd are the most loyal and loving dog 👏💗

Cheryl Stephan, Sarge’s owner, is a kind-hearted woman who has adopted many [orp.haned] animals over the years That is also why Sarge is so friendly and kind to all adopted animals, with a special fondness for Buckheat, Cheryl’s first orphan fawn.

Love the way animals love and take care of each other!! 🥰

The little fawn is docile and affectionate; he has a special fondness for Sarge, and Sarge quickly decides to become his protector. He quickly took on the crucial role of MOTHER to the fawn.
The two-player scene on the lawn was incredible, with the big Sarge acting like a mother ready to [pun.ish] anyone who [har.med] her baby deer.

Cheryl had to release Buckheat into the wilderness as he grew and became stronger. That saddened the sweet dog. He didn’t want to be apart from his adopted son, with whom he shared many memories.
Cheryl even predicted that Sarge would never be as gentle with other animals as he is with this one.

They knew safety comfort and love from this wonderful creature!

But, thankfully, Sarge’s compassion knows no bounds; as soon as Cheryl brings in more orp.hans, Sarge quickly becomes their caregiver!

Look at him, he’s a fantastic nanny! 💗

Amazing dog she have a good mother hart.
Such a sweet loving dog. ❤️LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY ❤️

That’s so SPECIAL, German Shepherds are very protective and very smart to humans and animals! Bless her heart ❤🙏🙏

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